Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 2011 Year in Review

There were:

Recurring UTI’s
Sinus and ear infection
A bruised tail bone
Arthritis in new and annoying places
Bloating, (I mean 15lbs worth of bloating or more)
Serious Insomnia for months
Having to start insulin

and these are the extras!

There is always:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
the existing Arthritis
The Weird Back Thing
and a few “minor” things to keep life interesting.

Oh, wait.

There was also:

Seeing my best friend from High School for the first time in over 30 years.
Friends who show up to help clean my apartment, help with shopping,
cleaning litter pans, mopping floors, dusting, supplementing my pantry,
listening, and are genuinely supportive.
A great friend who found a job this year after a 2½ year search.
There is sharing tears and laughter with friends and family.
Gratefully knowing that God knows what I am going through.
He hears my prayers and answers lovingly and kindly –
not always with what I think is best,
but thankfully, with what he knows is best.

Blessings and Adversity.  Both alive and well and keeping my life interesting!

I wonder what 2012 will bring. I'm rather looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. 2012 will bring more adventures. As always, we'll be there for you!
